Berkshire Natural Fertility Clinic

Fertility Acupuncture Windsor

One in seven couples experiences fertility problems, and it is becoming increasingly common for them to turn to traditional Chinese medicine practices in an attempt to increase chances of having a baby.

It may seem like an archaic or fanciful practice to stick needles in your body and make herbal teas from twigs in an era when IVF and artificial insemination are possible. Numerous studies have shown, however, that traditional Chinese medicine can be truly beneficial for couples experiencing fertility problems.

What does Chinese medicine prescribe for fertility?

The Chinese therapy for fertility consists mainly of acupuncture. This is a traditional Chinese practice that has existed for thousands of years and is used to treat a number of conditions. In treatment for fertility, it can be a standalone practice or it can be used in tandem with Chinese herbs. It can also be implemented in conjunction with modern mainstream fertility treatments like IVF.

One study from 2011 into complementary medicinal therapies reviewed some clinical trials and case reports into the practice. Its findings indicated that couples experiencing fertility issues were twice as likely to conceive within four months through the use of traditional Chinese medicine than through modern fertility drugs or IVF. The supporting evidence and experience around Chinese medicines also come from more than 1,500 years of practising the methods. Thousands of acupuncture practitioners around the world have seen great results in helping couples to beat the odds and conceive a child.

Acupuncture for fertility

Acupuncture consists of extremely fine needles being inserted precisely into specific parts of the body. They are supposed to help balance your Chi, or energy by stimulating key energy centres around your body. Authorities in Britain believe that acupuncture can be beneficial for fertility problems in four ways:

  1. It can regulate fertility hormones
  2. It can help promote healthy blood flow to the reproductive organs
  3. It can fight the obstacle of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS); a common cause of fertility issues
  4. It can help the general wellbeing of the patient

When a woman is treated for fertility through TCM, the practitioner will make an in-depth assessment of her menstrual cycle in order to identify areas for change. The understanding of the menstrual cycle in Chinese medicine is extremely sophisticated, paying close attention to timespans and the bleeding that occurs. When combined with scan results, blood tests and Western diagnosis methods, a treatment plan can be formulated for acupuncture and/or Chinese herbs.

Chinese medicine fertility treatment

The Chinese fertility programme is trusted by patients all over the world, with even mainstream doctors touting the anecdotal evidence. Herbal remedies are used as the primary support for fertility because they can address shortages of certain nutrients that will help achieve a healthy balance in the body and boost chances of conception. There are numerous stories of men with low sperm counts and women with reproductive issues like PCOS seeing superb results within months of starting a Chinese medicine programme and achieving the conception they had previously struggled with so much.

The opinion of mainstream medical practitioners varies, but none could say that complementary medicines of TCM could be harmful at all. Even the most sceptical will say that there could be benefits to the psychology and anxiety levels of a patient from using acupuncture and herbal remedies. These doctors are a long way from understanding the methods of TCM, so a consultation with an expert or practitioner would be the best way for you to understand how Chinese medicine could help with your fertility issues.

Fertility acupuncture video

Watch the video below to learn more about how acupuncture can help you get pregnant.